I'm EARTHLING so adjust your translators accordingly. That's EARTH. Bad air, worse food and plenty of places to swim..and a thing we call ARMED ROBBERY...”

-ROY RIOT, Space Criminal

CRIME & SPACE tells the seedy tale of ROY RIOT, a criminal operating in the depths of dirty space that's as quick with his gun as he is with his mouth. Armed only with his wit, a pair of Laser 45s and his robot partner CRAIG, he roams the galaxy in his souped-up saucer staying one step ahead of the intergalactic law and locked and loaded to pull off that one big score.

What I've done is taken genres I'm fond of, the 50s sci-fi serial, the Roger Corman b-movie and combined it with all the crime noir burned on my brain. What I hope for is a bang bang shoot em up Saturday morning cartoon read that people will dig.

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